Breakfast or dinner? Describe your ideal meal. 

Although I do love breakfast foods, I would have to say dinner. There is nothing better than getting home after a long day, changing into something comfortable (elastic waistbands), and diving into a hearty plate of food. 


How did you come to be at Caliber?

Long story short, I was in search of a new job and sent out about 50 resumes. I hadn’t sent one to Caliber because at the time they didn’t have a job posting. It just so happened that Caliber was looking for a designer and they saw on LinkedIn that I was open for work. They contacted me out of the blue and after a few interviews, I guess they liked me enough to give me a shot! I haven’t looked back since. Life has a funny way of working out, doesn’t it?


Recommend a book, movie, music album, etc. – a favorite or something you’ve consumed recently

I would say Barney because I have watched a ton of it recently with my daughter, but I assume if you’re reading this that isn’t your style. On a serious note, if you haven’t seen Kim’s Convenience on Netflix, I would suggest that. It’s pretty funny and an easy watch.


What piece of advice would you give to your younger self or someone early in their career path?

Don’t stress over the little things. Life is too short. We only have a limited time to be with our loved ones. Remember that each day presents its own challenges and we can overcome those challenges with a positive attitude. Nothing is as bad as it seems. We tend to give negative thoughts more energy than positive thoughts. Life is simpler when you have a positive attitude. 


What skill, hobby, or experience do you have that would surprise people? 

I have, at one point in my life, eaten 80 wings from Buffalo Wild Wings. I would not suggest anyone do this.


What’s a cause that you are passionate about and why? 

Supporting children with disabilities is something that I am passionate about. This sits close to my heart because I have family and friends that have either had a child with disabilities or have been a child with a disability. I have seen firsthand how some people treat them and it’s appalling. Some people tend to see them as less than equal and that’s heartbreaking. 


Describe your perfect day.

Picture this. I wake up at roughly 7 am with my little girl, and we hang out and have some breakfast. She has a bottle and I have a plate of biscuits & gravy… maybe 2. We chill and watch some Barney or the morning news, depending on what she’s feeling. Mom, aka my wife, wakes up and switches me spots. Now she is hanging with the kid. I go upstairs, get dressed, grab my clubs, and head out the door. Time to hit the course. I get there, play a round beating my season low. Go back home and hang out with the family until it’s time to go to bed. I tuck everyone in, ensuring they are safe and sound in their beds. I have a few snacks (by a few i mean a lot), guzzle a can of Coke, watch a movie, and then finally find my way to bed.
