Two weeks ago Caliber Creative celebrated its ten-year anniversary and I’ve been blessed to share in a tenth of that time. In my short period with Caliber, I’ve had many opportunities to meet new people and to grow personally and professionally. At this milestone, which marks my first year with Caliber, I would like to reflect a little bit on this past year and my career in general.
I look back to my first creative job and reflect on how terrible at design and how not overly put together I should’ve been for a college graduate. Pair this with my overt feeling of being entitled to everything and my sense that anything I created was perfect and amazing. Well, thankfully reality set in and life took me down a path to meet and learn from many talented and very patient people, which shaped me along the way.
Many things have changed since that first introduction to the world of advertising, but one thing has stayed the same – people. Your community, clients and family shape your personality and outlook. Thankfully my outlook has been good over this past year. The change from the large corporate world (which I was in for the majority of my career) to an office of 9 was drastic.
This past year and new environment has introduced me to many talented people and pushed me to be my best self. It’s been crazy, stressful and daunting at times but overall an extremely fun experience. New clients and new faces have brought original work and great experiences. I look forward to what’s coming towards us and pushing to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be. Cheers to Brad and Casey for your ten years and thanks for involving me in this journey. Here’s to ten more!