As a young professional fairly new in my career, one of the biggest things that I’ve been encouraged to do is get out of the office (and my comfort zone) and meet people. Networking is a daunting thing, especially as someone relatively new to the city and the professional scene, but I can confidently say it’s been well worth the time & effort and has benefited me in many ways.
I’ve been a member of the Sioux Falls Young Professionals Network for the last two years and have attended a variety of networking events. Things like coffee Morning Mingles at various local businesses, Off The Clock events to grab a beverage at the end of the day, or even lunch speaking events. A few things that have stood out to me while attending these various events:
Making the time and putting yourself out there to do something new is hard, but the rewards have allowed me to grow in my professional career more than I could have imagined. The Sioux Falls YPN team does a great job of hosting and promoting events, as well as encouraging people to attend.
I would highly suggest becoming a member of YPN if you meet the criteria. Reach out if you want a friend to tag along with. It’s always better to go when you have a familiar face by your side!