Back-to-school time has a different meaning for everyone. Personally, I love the idea of a fresh start, a new outlook on the future and unlimited possibilities … and a fresh set of crayons! Professionally, it’s a great chance to pause and reflect on what’s happened so far this year and review progress made, in order to accurately plan for the future. 

There are a few things to consider when reviewing your annual plan. 

If you feel as though your marketing plan has been carbon copied a few too many times, Caliber Creative provides a fresh and objective perspective. Our experience and unbiased suggestions are invaluable.

In order to accurately review the past year and gauge success, you should have a good idea of what your competition and industry is doing. Also, time invested into researching new trends will provide you with ideas for your future marketing plan. Caliber Creative will have time dedicated to researching on your behalf in order to identify the trends that are worth considering, based on your marketing objectives and goals. 

Don’t be afraid to push the limit with brainstorming and dreaming for the upcoming year. A few ideas might be too wild, but some just might stick or spark another concept. We often carve out time as a team to brainstorm, concept and provide crazy/silly/awesome suggestions to our clients, to keep the creative ideas flowing, and that’s why our creative works. Caliber Creative can help determine when a new creative approach is needed to develop your brand

Your marketing budget is a big investment, so we ensure we are reviewing all areas to gain insights, making each year more successful and ultimately getting the most use out of your advertising budget. We use the information gathered to craft your unique marketing plan, creative theme and messaging.  

Having a marketing plan to follow is a great piece of advice, as it’s easy to get off-track and follow your competitors. If you have crafted a marketing plan with clearly defined goals, budget and targets, then you will be right on track based on your objectives for the year.
