Back in September, I blogged about taking our team out of their comfort zones a bit for a quick off-site retreat to do some learning, listening and maybe even a little soul-searching of my own. Now that we’re nearly 5 months past this staff event – we’re finally putting into motion some of the things that we discovered and implemented since then. We’re calling it ‘Caliber Reload.’

On the surface, it’s an update of our overall brand and the way we position ourselves in the advertising and marketing industry. But if you dive a few layers deeper, it’s actually a pretty big shift in the way we’re conducting business on a daily basis as well as our long-term planning. For the sake of time, I’ll touch on just a couple of the points here.

We’ve been very fortunate over the years to have a great connection with various clients and marketing partners from all over the country and all walks of life. Now, one of our main focuses is to really hone in on what we’re good at and continually perfect those services to make sure we’re not spreading ourselves too thin or over extending our services, thus affecting our work or possibly worse – our client’s trust. But keeping our focus narrow, we’re confident we’ll not only be able to perform our jobs better, but also make sure each of our clients is getting the very best effort from our team – every day.

Another part of this new way of thinking for us is our growth plan. I won’t get too deep into the weeds, but Caliber has some very exciting opportunities in front of us. Some of these opportunities are with marketing partners that have been around since day one, others are new relationships we’ve formed and we’re now finding ways to work together much more effectively. These opportunities are what fuels our fire. We’re always excited for the next chapter, the next challenge or a new crazy idea that seems a little too crazy for most. Those are the things that keep our team fired up and wanting to always do our best work and give our best effort.

Of course these new opportunities come with their own set of challenges and obstacles, but that’s just part of the game. That’s why we’re always looking for the best people to become part of our team. Furthermore, that is why we hold our team and overall culture in very high regard. I will go blue in the face praising our team and the overall talent at Caliber anytime I’m asked about it. That’s not to say there aren’t challenging projects or days at our office, but those challenging days make the wins that much bigger and better, not to mention keep our team on their toes at all times. We never want to feel complacent. In fact, we’d rather be straddling the line of excitement and bewilderment – those are the days that really bring out the best in our team.

Our team and culture are also a main point for our Reload (did I mention we’re hiring). As mentioned previously, this is a big one for me. We’ve never tried to be the biggest agency in the area, nor do we ever hire until we’re confident that we’ve got a solid client partnership that warrants the need for adding to our team. Beyond that, we’re big believers in hiring the right person to fit with our team. There are a ton of talented people that we talk to all the time, but really the decision comes down to fitting with our existing team and finding a way to compliment each other.

I could go on-and-on about all the things discussed with our team, goals, etc…but I’m very excited to boil all of that down into a couple digestible pieces and finally get our Caliber Reload launched.

More soon.
