With the changing of seasons comes the obvious, the changing of the weather. After each long winter, when spring hits, so do the long awaited days of warmer temperatures and sunny days- the start of every midwestern’s favorite season, summer!
I was hired onto the Caliber team back in the beginning of October. When I was hired, the thing I was most excited about was the opportunity to join the culture that Caliber is known for – work hard, play hard. Our partners value our time and the hard work we put into our projects everyday, therefore rewarding us with the opportunity to enjoy summer a little bit more by taking half days on Fridays from Memorial weekend through Labor Day weekend.
I have always been a fan of routine changes and summer hours create exactly that. With the excitement of condensed work weeks, comes higher productivity levels from all staff. Knowing we have shortened time to get our tasks done by the end of the week, we put in extra time at the beginning of the week to be sure all of the necessary tasks are completed so that we can kick off our weekends at noon on Friday to travel, spend time in the sun with family & friends or just to kick back and relax.
I talked to a couple Calites about what they have planned for their summer hours and here’s what they had to say …
Q: “What is your favorite thing about summer hours and how do you plan to spend this extra free time?”
Sarah Madsen (Account Coordinator)
“Coming off a busy few months, it is nice to have some extra time to rejuvenate and get ready for our busy fall season. I am looking forward to being able to spend more time outside golfing, being at the lake and attending some outdoor concerts! I am also happy to step away from the constant screen time and let my brain rest for the longer weekends.”
Mandy Sturdevant (Senior Designer)
“My favorite thing about summer hours is getting to spend the extra time outside and visiting family & friends!”
Casey Schultz (Agency Partner – Director of Strategy)
“I know everyone on our team is busy with things outside the office, so hopefully summer hours helps them get a jump start on weekend activities, household projects or just simply having some extra time to spend with their friends and family. For me personally, it’s a great time to get involved with my kids’ activities or sneak out to the golf course ahead of the weekend rush.”
Lindsey Morris (Administrative Assistant)
“My favorite thing about summer hours is that it gives me an early start to my weekend plans. I plan on spending this extra free time by either heading to the lake or enjoying the afternoon sun!”