Are you thinking of all the things you need to get done today? Maybe you’re looking at the rest of the week, trying to figure out when you can do it all. This is what’s going on in a working mother’s brain, day in and day out.
So, how do women have time to consume media? Do they still spend hours on their phone, watching tv or listening to the radio?
I recently read an eye-opening article on the number of hours women consume media each week. According to Nielsen Media, women consume just shy of 73 hours of media per week. This number is FIVE more hours of media consumption compared to men. A higher media consumption number also means that it’s harder for advertisers to stand out when targeting women. It’s so important to craft the right message and show up where your target audience is. After all, women drive 70-80% of consumer purchases.
For more information on what you could be doing to effectively cater to your target audience, contact us.